
Windows 11 ARM installation on VMware Fusion for macOS Silicon stuck at install network driver


Windows 11 ARM installation on VMware Fusion for macOS Silicon is stuck at the install network driver stage. VMware Fusion prompts for the installation of a network driver, but no driver can be found.

Root Cause:

The Microsoft Windows 11 ARM ISO does not include a driver for the VMware network adapter known as vmxnet3.

Fix: It's easy.

Mount an ISO embedded in your macOS VMware Fusion to the guest OS as a CD-ROM (Shut down your installation before adding a CD-ROM device to your Windows guest OS), and select the network driver path to the folder named 'vmxnet3' inside the CD-ROM . Enjoy!

Your ISO file path: (be aware of space characters inside)

/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/isoimages/arm64/windows.iso



The Unofficial Fusion for Apple Silicon Companion Guide was mentioned. Although I have not had the luxury to thoroughly read or comprehend what ESD means or download it, the fix should be quite straightforward.


在 macOS Silicon 的 VMware Fusion 上安装 Windows 11 ARM 时,卡在了安装网络驱动程序的阶段。VMware Fusion 提示安装网络驱动程序,但找不到相应的驱动。


微软 Windows 11 ARM 的 ISO 文件中不包含名为 vmxnet3 的 VMware 网络适配器驱动程序。

修复方法: 非常简单。

将嵌入在 macOS VMware Fusion 中的 ISO 文件作为 CD-ROM 挂载到来宾操作系统中(在将 CD-ROM 设备添加到 Windows 来宾操作系统之前,请关闭您的安装),然后把 CD-ROM中根目录下名为 'vmxnet3' 的目录, 选择其作为网络驱动程序路径。尽情享受吧!

您的 ISO 文件路径:(注意路径中的空格字符)

/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/isoimages/arm64/windows.iso



提到了一个名为《非官方 Apple Silicon Fusion 13 配套指南》的冗长文档,不过我并没有那么奢侈去通读或尝试理解 ESD 是什么意思或下载它。修复应该非常简单。